Cloud Migration SUCCESS with Email Templates, Training Videos, OCM Plans and more....
Effective communication and training is key when planning for a successful migration. We can help you achieve this by providing quality customizable content for easy distribution to your user community.

CloudOCM is brought to you by
"The Lava Factory" and "The Cloud Geezer"

Cloud OCM Services
Optimize Your Migration Performance
By using our experience with migrations over the years, you can incorporate this into your own Cloud Migration. Here we provide Email Templates, Training Videos, OCM Principles and more.
Email Templates
Easily plan your communications to your users with our pre-built email templates. Easily customizable and sent to your user base, along with the video links for easy training opportunities.
Training Videos
If your users are new to Microsoft 365 or just wanting to learn more then these videos can be utilized. Send them the links as part of the Email Communication strategy to make the transition to M365 successful.
OCM Principles
Learn how to best use the different OCM tracks to get your communications right. Depending on the type of migration dictates the emails that you send. This guide details exactly what to send and when.

Easy Communications
Use our pre-built templates to effectively communicate.
Improve Your Migration and Wow your userbase
By using our guides and templates you can cut down on a lot of administrative overhead. Having videos for specific training of items in your migration can educate and help your users into an easy cloud transition.
A guide to effectively communicating with your users in a way that they will actually read the content.
Different OCM tracks defined around what you are migrating in to Microsoft 365. It may be Google GSuite or another M365 Tenant which will dictate the types of email communications you send.
From the OCM Track information we provide a full set of migration communications for you to simply copy/paste and send to your users. Inform them quickly and easily with the migration plans and provide them Video Training links as they prepare for Microsoft 365
We have created a complete video training series available for you to send to your user base to help educate them ahead of the transition to Microsoft 365. Videos like getting to know Outlook, to how to sync files from SharePoint sites to their local PC. Plenty of great content to provide them.
Easy Migration Packs to suit your project
We have created different packs to purchase designed to fit around your requirements and your migration project.
Check out the details of each product for samples of the content.

OCM Videos
Our simplest pack designed to get you going
- OCM Video Guide
- Access to Videos to distribute

OCM Core
OCM Pack with access to video source
- All Email Templates
- Full OCM Guide
- OCM Track Plans
- Suits multiple migration paths
- Access to Videos to distribute

OCM Enterprise
Custom creation to suit your Enterprise
- All Email Templates
- Full OCM Guide
- OCM Track Plans
- Access to Videos to distribute
- Suits multiple migration paths
- Downloadable Video Source Files to allow your own White Labelling
Get in touch with us for any questions or feedback.
CloudOCM Product Samples
Click on any of the samples to view them larger.
CloudOCM makes your migration so easy
Well, you still have to perform the migration but at least the communications and video training is taken care of.
The backbone of a successful migration. We can help with that by providing the email templates and links that DO get read.
OCM Tracks
Defined migration tracks that help you decide what and when to send to your userbase.
Video Training
Video Training Series available to easily embed via links into your communications. Go ahead and train your users in Microsoft 365 well ahead of their Day One.
Rockstar Status
Yes, you can look like a Rockstar with your Project Manager who thinks you are just simply awesome for making the communications and training so so easy!

Own your Migration
Get total control of your OCM in your migration and then concentrate on the move itself rather than worrying about what to send to the users.